Alex Beige, Dante Green, & 김채송 Chaesong Kim of The Makers’ Enemble’s Short Play Festival

The Tank and The Makers' Ensemble present Short Play Fest 2024Listen in as director 김채송 Chaesong Kim (Alien Play), playwright Alex Beige (Blackpilled, A Blueprint), and director Dante Green (Light + House) of The Makers’ Ensemble’s Short Play Festival, discuss immigration stores, where love stories meet ghost stories, playwrights writing plays about playwrights writing plays, capturing suffering, growth over time, and taking care of your artists.

“…every play felt like it ended too soon, like it was just the beginning of a learning experience…inviting you into an aspect of the playwright’s world, and leaving you with just enough to understand that you’re not alone, in whatever experience you have…”

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Nick Mecikalski of “Really Really Gorgeous”

The Tank in association with Lucy Powis and The Hodgepodge Group presents REALLY REALLY GORGEOUS, written by Nick Mecikalski, directed by Miranda HaymonListen in as Really Really Gorgeous playwright Nick Mecikalski discusses what happens when the media is filtered through only one lens, trust in personal relationships, the journey from digging a script out of a drawer to getting on the stage, the power of celebrity, and “what happens when climate change gets personal.”

“We know this is already happening for people around the world…the really scary questions that I think creep in the back of our minds…will it change whether I can follow my dreams? Will it change my career? Will it change where I have to live? Will it change my relationships?…”

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Johnny G. Lloyd & William Steinberger of “Or, An Astronaut Play”

Inversion Theatre presents OR, AN ASTRONAUT PLAY, written by Johnny G. Lloyd, directed by William Steinberger, at The TankListen in as playwright Johnny G. Lloyd and director William Steinberger of Or, An Astronaut Play discuss capitalism, Emerson, childlike wonder, designing to your space, stealing kids’ artwork, and why the play goes to space school (as well as literal space).

“…it’s a play about race, and privilege, and access, but also, still, about finding access to that inner child, and finding a way to negotiate that…”

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Ria T. DiLullo & Katelynn Kenney of “Wendell & Pan”

The Skeleton Rep presents WENDELL & PAN, written by Katelynn Kenney, directed by Ria T. DiLullo, at The Tank NYCListen in as Wendell & Pan writer Katelynn Kenney and director Ria T. DiLullo discuss the kismet that made them collaborators, “magical dramedy,” ghosts, eating up the play of the theatre, and modern American myth.

“…how do we take contemporary stories, and lift them up into the style of an epic, into something that a bard would want to sing about?”

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Liba Vaynberg and Emily Louise Perkins of “The Russian and The Jew”

Anna & Kitty, Inc. and The Tank present Liba Vaynberg at The TankListen in as the co-creators & performers of The Russian and The Jew, Liba Vaynberg and Emily Louise Perkins, discuss adapting Anna Karenina, their development process, sell-out fake-outs, varying audience reactions, drinking thimble-fuls of wine, & devising while co-writing with a large cast.

“…it’s all about female friendship, and betrayal, and love, and lust, and how dreams are politicized. And it’s sexy, and strange…and there’s free vodka…”

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Alex Randrup, Samantha Clark, & Bonita Jackson of “Corey and Vanessa Present an All-Female Educational Touring Production of Of Mice and Men”

The Tank and FEAST present Corey and Vanessa Present an All-Female Educational Touring Production of Of Mice and Men, a collaboratively devised work directed by Alex Randrup, at The Tank NYCListen in as performers Bonita Jackson and Samantha Clark, along with director Alex Randrup, of Corey and Vanessa Present an All-Female Educational Touring Production of Of Mice and Men, discuss how they devised the show (“putting wonderful, badass, creative ladies in a room together”), making your collaborators laugh, getting out of the way or your collaborative process, and “power, performance, learning to trust your scene partner, and learning to trust yourself.”

“…is there a way that we could dig into the fields of feminism, and womanhood, and humanity today, and the things that we know best—which is creating a production—and dealing with it. Could we dig up some kind of tool, or weapon, that an audience member could take out with them to smash the patriarchy, or to fix the democracy, or to do something really active…”

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Ran Xia, Nicholas Orvis, Andrea Lopez, and Max Henry of “Echo”

The Tank presents ECHO, written by Ran Xia, directed by Nicholas OrvisListen in as Echo creator & sound sculptor Ran Xia, along with director Nicholas Orvis and performers Andrea Lopez & Max Henry, discuss inspiration from books about harmonicas, moving from sound collage to stage play, improvising to audio, physicality with constantly changing things, handling nakedly honest material, timelessness vs. time specificity, and the importance of simply listening.

“…when I was editing them, it’s like, I could cry, like every second, every other track, because everybody was just so open, and very real. You get real very fast…”

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Christopher-Rashee Stevenson, Malcolm B. Hines, & Jonathan Schenk of “{Flying} Dutchman”

The Tank presents {FLYING} DUTCHMAN, by Theatre of War, text by Amiri Baraka, additional text from Jean Genet, directed by Christopher-Rashee StevensonListen in as director Christopher-Rashee Stevenson and performers Malcolm B. Hines and Jonathan Schenk of {Flying} Dutchman, currently running at The Tank, discuss words as tools, “gender-blurring,” the multiple modes of being in a person, finding danger, finding a way to create room for conversation after the show, and how Amiri Baraka’s poetic language resonates in 2018.

“…it’s already uncomfortable language—we live in an uncomfortable society, and we’re not put on this planet to be comfortable…it’s about sexuality, it’s about human beings and what we go through…but especially the psyche of the black man, being in this world…”

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Skylar Fox & Simon Henriques of “Providence, RI”

Nightdrive presents PROVIDENCE, RI at The TankListen in as the co-creators of Providence, RI, Skylar Fox (who directs) and Simon Henriques (who performs in the show) discuss their company Nightdrive‘s process, why they used Providence as their subject (and what it was like to explain the place to someone who’s never been there), misdirecting your audience, and where their piece fits in the world in January 2017.

“…we’re actually trying to do new things to communicate in uniquely effective ways with an audience…”

“Yeah, we’re trying to do experimental theatre that’s FUN…” Continue reading

Andrew Schneider of “YOUARENOWHERE”

Andrew Schneider's YOUARENOWHERE, photo by Maria BaranovaYou might have heard of Andrew Schneider‘s YOUARENOWHERE if you listen to theatre podcasts that aren’t this one (thanks for the recommendation, Maxamoo!), because the Obie-award winning piece has been on the lips of anyone who’s seen it.

Rightfully so.

But if you have heard the title, I hope you haven’t heard much else, other than, “go see this.” Because that’s how I experienced it, and I must say, it made for an incredible theatrical experience. So that’s all I’m going to give you: go see this show.

…but first, listen in to this (spoiler-free!) episode, as Andrew and I discuss the performer/audience contract, regional theatre gigs, frames, frustration with the traditional infrastructure, and destroying expectations.

“…what I wanted to do was just communicate in a room with a person […] what I’m fascinated by is moments, and experience, and curating emotion without narrative. So we’re all experiencing the same thing at the same time…”

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